Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ganesha at Gourmet India

Picture taken 19 February 2009
The spirituality of San Diego reflects the diversity of this cosmopolitan city. Sometimes the indications of faith can be as subtle as a Mezuzah on a door frame. Other times they are as a bold as statue of an Elephant God. This particular statue is of Ganesha, one of the most popular Indian Deities. There are representations of Genesha in several of the local Indian restaurants. This one though, is in full vibrant colour which I belive makes Ganesha appear more live and accessible. There is also an entry about this Ganesh at our sister blog San Diego Altars. Here is the link: Genesha at Gourmet India 810 Fourth Avenue.

The Information for Gourmet India is as follows:

Gourmet India
810 Fourth Avenue,
San Diego, CA 92101

Click here for directions
Business Hours

11:30 AM - 10:30 PM

11:30 AM - 11:00 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Christian Motorhome

This motorhome was found of third street between Market Street and Island Avenue. It was directly opposite the Ideal Hotel run by Red Lotus Society where one may attend free yoga class at seven in the morning and meditation at 8 every weekday morning.

The Chabad of Downtown is just down the street at the corner of Island Avenue and Third Avenue. It is really a very spiritual block.

I met the gentleman who seemed the owner of the motorhome. He seemed very nice and blessed both Charlie and I. I do not know of what nature his disagreements is but he seemed kind and generous.